How to Write a Job Ad

In today’s competitive job market, a thoughtfully written job ad serves as the first point of contact between your organisation and potential candidates. This makes the development of your job ad a crucial opportunity to showcase your company’s values and culture while promoting the exciting opportunities that await prospective employees.

In this article, we will delve into the importance of creating job ads that resonate with candidates and provide actionable tips to create job ads that stand out from the crowd.

1. Understanding Job Requirements

A foundational step to creating a job ad is understanding the job requirements. Effective collaboration with hiring managers is essential to gathering comprehensive details that can be translated to potential candidates.

By providing a comprehensive and accurate description of the job requirements, employers can enhance their chances of attracting qualified individuals who possess the specific skills needed to excel in the position and contribute to the organisation’s success.

2. Crafting an Engaging Job Title

As tempting as it may be to ‘jazz’ up your job title, you’re better off keeping it clear and simple. The job description is likely the first thing that the jobseeker sees, so they need to know immediately that the role applies to them and their experience.

Here are our tips for creating the best job title:

1. Do not add unnecessary text to the job title field i.e., terrific.

2. Use clean, specific job titles i.e. Sales Executive.

3. Avoid multiple roles/levels i.e., Junior Sales Executive or Senior Sales Executive.

4. Avoid unusual job titles i.e., Sales Ninja.

Our software will recommend the best job title to choose based on user experience on our platform.

By investing time and effort into crafting an engaging job title to choose based on user experience on our platform.

3. Structuring a Perfect Job Description

Thoughtfully structuring the job description is vital for crafting an effective and inclusive job ad that resonates with a diverse pool of candidates. Organising all relevant content into well-defined sections, including an overview, responsibilities, and benefits ensures clarity and ease of understanding for potential applicants.

Utilising inclusive language is paramount, as it fosters a welcoming environment and avoids bias and discriminatory language.

Listing key responsibilities in the job ad is essential for setting the candidate’s expectations and attracting the most suitable individuals.

Detailing experience and qualifications required to find potential candidates. Include only the essential qualities over the ‘nice to have’ ones. This encourages candidates to have a realistic expectation of the job where the other relevant qualifications can be examined further down the recruitment process.

Highlighting growth opportunities in the job ad showcases the company’s commitment to employee development and career advancement.

Emphasising career prospects within the organisation, along with mentioning training programs, mentorship initiatives, and possibilities for growth, entices ambitious candidates seeking long-term professional growth.

4. Providing Necessary Details about the Job

Location: Job seekers want to know exactly where they will be based. Our data shows that 7 out of 10 jobseekers use location in their job search, and a larger proportion of these go on to apply for the role. Location is also a key filter to ensure you receive relevant candidate recommendations when you post your advert on

Salary: By including the salary offering in your job ad, you will increase interest and the quality of applications. Adding salary information encourages applications from relevant, engaged candidates who are making an informed career choice when applying.

About Us: In this competitive market, you need to emphasise what makes you stand out as an employer in your job advert. Be specific and describe your work culture. Is there something rare/unique about your business that a prospective employee will be a part of and should know? What could their career with you look like for them and why should they work for you? Answer these questions and summarise them in two or three sentences for your adverts. You need to sell your company as an employer in the same way you would a product or service.

5. Create a Seamless Application Process

By investing time and effort into developing a digitally engaging job advert that accurately portrays the role, responsibilities, and company values, recruiters can lay a strong foundation for a positive candidate experience.

Clearly stating the application process within the ad helps candidates understand the steps they need to take to successfully apply. Including information about required documents, such as resumes, cover letters, or portfolios, ensures that candidates submit comprehensive applications, enabling recruiters to make informed decisions. Mentioning any specific instructions for cover letters or portfolio submissions provides candidates with guidelines on how to present their qualifications effectively.

In conclusion, crafting a compelling job ad is a multifaceted process that requires careful attention to detail and a strategic approach. By focusing on clarity, inclusivity, and transparency, recruiters can attract a diverse pool of qualified candidates who resonate with the organisation’s values. Emphasising growth opportunities and providing specific application instructions enhances the overall appeal of the job ad. Mastering these practices will empower recruiters to write job ads that resonate, attract and lead to a diverse, and exceptional pool of talent.