
It is quick and easy for you to find relevant, qualified candidates with TalentBank, Jobs.ie’s superior e-recruitment resource.

As soon as you post your job on Jobs.ie, our matching technology sends you real-time recommendations for your role pulled from over 750,000+ active and passive candidates in our TalentBank. We help you find the right person for your job while you continue to do yours.

TalentBank’s all-island CV platform allows you to connect with candidates who are actively applying for roles, and passive candidates who may be open to offers when the right one comes along. So you can find the best people for the job every time.

TalentBank does not just show you the best candidates for your jobs, you can also search for your ideal candidate. With powerful filtering tools, you can narrow and filter our pool of talent by focusing on what you need, like skills, location, previous employers and recent activity.

And there is no need to keep searching. You will get an alert when new candidates matching your needs enter the system.

Get in touch to find out more about TalentBank and how it can help you connect with the best person for your job.