Top marks for

We are delighted that a blog post from’s Job Talk Blog featured as a question in this year’s Leaving Cert Applied examination. The blog post “Why do you want to work for us”  was a comprehension question on the English and Communication paper, with students asked to suggest potential answers and to list any other interview questions that prove challenging to answer.

The blog post is just one of a series of interview tips posts that explore the best way to answer common but tricky interview questions.


Engage with jobseekers

The Job Talk blog is packed full of advice and tips that provide jobseekers with the tools and resources to successfully apply for jobs on our platform. We actively share our content with our community of over 110,000 followers on our social media platforms and, each month we send our latest blog content to our extensive database of registered jobseekers in our Job Talk newsletter.

Job Talk offers recruiters the ability to reach out beyond their job listings and engage with jobseekers in a different way. Our content team works with our clients such as PayPal, and Network Security to create posts that promote their opportunities, values and work culture to candidates.

If you would like to find out how you can feature in the Job Talk then please get in touch with our Customer Success Team.