Job hunting to spike on February 4th

While many professionals spend their lunchbreaks socialising with colleagues or getting outdoors for some fresh air, new data suggests that this Tuesday, 4 February will be the busiest day of the year for Irish job seekers searching for new roles. With lunchtime the most popular time of the day to apply for jobs.

Search data provided by Irish recruitment website, finds that February 4 is the busiest day of the year for jobhunting. Based on 2019 figures, traffic on this day is 66% higher than the yearly average.

On this day, employers who are actively recruiting can expect a peak in jobseeker activity – particularly during lunchtime when the majority of applications are submitted.

In a typical week, lunchtime proves to be the most popular time for jobseekers to submit a job application.  Just over half (53%) of these applications are submitted in the first three days of the week.

Commenting on the data, Christopher Paye, General Manager of said;

“Late January to early February is always one of the busiest times of year for recruitment. As people begin to put their New Year’s resolutions into action, career goals are often to the fore.

“For some people, this may mean looking to progress within their current organisation and for others it represents a key time to start considering a completely new role.

“As a result, we tend to experience a significant increase in job searches and applications in the first few months of the year. This is particularly true on 4 February, where visits to the site were up 66% on an average day in 2019.

“Interestingly we also see another surge in September as people return to work after the Summer holiday.

“For employers looking to recruit in the months ahead, now is an opportune time to begin advertising new vacancies and to invest in your employer brand.  In a very competitive recruitment market, those with a clear and defined recruitment strategy and employer brand will be best positioned to take advantage of the spike in available candidates. 

“For those who may not be actively recruiting, we would encourage them to ensure that their current employees are happy this morning – otherwise they could be applying for a new job by lunchtime!”