Are You Making These Job Search Mistakes?

Posted 2 years ago
Are you making this job search mistakes

Are You Making These Job Search Mistakes? Fix Them!

It is easy to inadvertently make significant job search mistakes when trying so hard to find a job and impress the recruitment team. This is especially the case when applying for several roles simultaneously.

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However, even relatively minor errors stand out in a competitive job market, let alone obvious ones. Unfortunately, a blunder of this nature is typically the death knell of a job application. This article helps outline common job search mistakes and discusses how you can avoid committing them.

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Big Job Search Mistakes Made by Applicants

Rather than providing a vague outline of job search errors, we’ve decided to divide them into four categories to ensure they get the attention they deserve. During your employment hunt, please go through this list and check them off one by one.

Mistakes on the Resume

An estimated 40% of hiring managers spend less than 60 seconds looking at your CV. However, they are skilled in the process and can quickly catch the following errors:

  • Typos: Research suggests that three-quarters of hiring managers instantly disregard a resume if they see a spelling or grammatical error.
  • Unprofessional Email Address: The best email address is one with a version of your name that doesn’t contain any attempts at being funny. A silly email address is a dealbreaker for over one-third of recruiters.
  • Lies: While many jobseekers may exaggerate their achievements, telling a clear lie is a different story. Almost 80% of hiring managers dump an application if they find that a candidate has lied on their CV.
  • Excessively Long: Although fewer than 20% of recruiters immediately ignore CV’s longer than two pages, it is still worth keeping things within the standard range. Applicants are expected to provide a concise overview of their achievements, qualifications, and skills.
  • Not Scannable: Hiring managers tend to ‘scan’ a resume. Therefore, you need to avoid including difficult to read fonts. Make sure you have lots of relevant subheadings and adequate white space too.

Mistakes on the Cover Letter

You shouldn’t attach a cover letter to your CV unless a job opening specifically tells you not to. Aside from not including it in the first place, here are other common cover letter mistakes:

  • Being Generic: This also applies to your resume. Research the company and the likely recipient of your application, and address it to them directly. Avoid beginning with ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ whenever possible.
  • Casual Greeting: Don’t begin by saying ‘Hi Jeff.’ It is always best to write ‘Dear Mr. Johnson’ instead.
  • Regurgitating Your CV: Your cover letter should cover what IS NOT in your resume. You can also use it to highlight your understanding of the company and what it does.
  • Ask Not What I Can Do: Too many job seekers spend their time talking about how great they are. What they need to realise is that companies want to know what candidates can do for them.
  • Personal Information: Resist the urge to explain that you have left another city due to a tough break up. Such information can only detract from your suitability for the job. Stick to your credentials.

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Mistakes in the Interview

While it is excellent news that you’re getting an interview, there is still a long way to go and many mistakes you could make! Here is a quick list of the most frequent job interview errors: 

  • Arriving too early OR too late.
  • A failure to wear appropriate interview attire or appearing with dirty or scruffy looking clothes.
  • Not bringing your CV and cover letter.
  • Answering most questions by highlighting how amazing you are but forgetting to tie it in with how you’ll help the company.
  • Displaying a lack of energy, enthusiasm, or interest. This can include slumping in your seat, not making eye contact, or mumbling answers.
  • Being unprepared and fumbling over your answers because you have no idea what to say.
  • Not asking any questions at the end of the interview.
  • Forgetting to follow up.

The dos and donts of a job Interview

Mistakes When You Make a Follow Up

Once the interview is over, thank the interviewers for their time, and pledge to follow up. Here are a few mistakes people make while doing so: 

  • Losing your air of professionalism. Even sending a text message with a smiley emoji could decrease a hiring manager’s perception of your competence.
  • A general thank you. It is better if you write a paragraph outlining any thoughts you have on the position.
  • Continually sending messages looking for information. It can take weeks for a hiring manager to make a decision.
  • Contacting them on private phone numbers or social media.
  • Discussing unrelated topics when following up.
  • Taking more than a few days to follow up.

Job Search Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

The good news is that virtually every mistake you could make while searching for a job is easily avoided. 

  • A Long CV: Remove any information that isn’t related to the job opening. Focus on your most recent 2-3 jobs when adding your work history.
  • Generic Cover Letter: Research the company, industry, and name of the hiring manager, as well as the job itself. This information will help you craft a detailed and relevant cover letter.
  • Inappropriate Interview Attire: Begin by researching the company’s culture to see if it prefers more informal clothing. Unless you find clear evidence that you can dress casually, show up in business dress.
  • A Poor Interview: Sit up straight and look energetic and attentive at all times. Carefully listen to the questions, and provide concise yet clear answers. Researching commonly answered interview questions is also essential preparation.
  • The Follow Up: Wait 2-3 days before following up. A quick formal email or phone call thanking the interview for their time is sufficient. This process also gives you the chance to mention something you forgot during the interview.

What is the Most Common Mistake Students Make When Job Searching?

One of the most frequently made job search mistakes among students is a complete lack of planning. They tend to leave themselves open to far too many different types of employment. As a result, they are unable to create a proper CV and cover letter combination. It is best to narrow your search down to a single industry and devote your energy to it.  

Although you don’t need to be perfect when applying for a job, it certainly helps to try! Follow the above tips to make your job search a successful one.